Healthy food begins with healthy soil. Growing one’s own food gives us direct access to experience Nature’s processes of nourishing us and all the systems of which we are a part. If you dream of having a beautiful source of organic food at your home or retreat center, we would love to create an urban (or rural) oasis of vibrancy and health for you using sustainable permaculture principles. Nourishing the soil is first priority and is best accomplished with biodiversity. This holistic approach to gardening combines Nature’s own design with perennials, annuals, fruit and nut trees, wild native plants, and perhaps even fungi! Please contact us and share your visions for the future and how we can assist in creating your very own Farm.
What is Agroecology?
Agroecology is the study of ecological processes that operate in agricultural production systems. *It is a whole-systems approach to agriculture and food systems development based on traditional knowledge, alternative agriculture, and local food system experiences, linking ecology, culture, economics, and society to sustain agricultural production, healthy environments, and viable food and farming communities. *
The principles of agroecology include all aspects of organic agriculture, permaculture, natural resource management, self-sustaining systems, social inclusiveness, minimizing waste products, wholesome learning, and much more. Working with this model, we endeavour to educate ourselves and others to embrace our deep connection with our environment and our food system, relying as little as possible on the import of materials in food production, landscape remediation and even structural building.
Can this model fit any environment?
These values can be adapted to accommodate truly any environmental situation whether urban or rural. From planting in containers, to a single fruit tree in a small yard, to urban plots at homes, public spaces, or retreat centres, to large scale agricultural production, anyone can begin to model their lives and gardens in a directed manner to close the gap more and more between the self as individual and the whole of nature. Like the practice of Yoga, it is a never-ending cyclical process of discovery and rediscovery.
Erin was interviewed by French CBC for a TV show "La Semaine Verte" in 2011:
(Fresh City Farms @21:25 and herself at 23:15)
(Fresh City Farms @21:25 and herself at 23:15)